Author(s): Sidi El Hacen, Messoudi A, Raja-Allah A, Rafai M, Nsiri A, Harrar R and Garch A
Abstract: The groin flap or Mac Gregor flap has revolutionized the treatment of loss of skin substances in the hand. It is reliable and very advantageous for large losses of substances. We are rapporting an observation of a young 27 year old who presented following an assault by a knife amputating transcarpien of the left hand. An emergency replantation was performed with a waiting period of one hour (crowned time) with revascularization of his hand. The secondary occurrence of dorsal skin necrosis of the hand with a preserved digital vascularization, required the use of a rescue cover flap type Mac Gregor with a good evolution. The interest of this observation is twofold; successful replantation within six hours and the possibility of covering of losed skin substance with inguinal covering flaps even on a replanted hand.
Sidi El Hacen, Messoudi A, Raja-Allah A, Rafai M, Nsiri A, Harrar R, Garch A. Mac Gregor’s flap on replanted hand (case report). Int J Case Rep Orthop 2021;3(1):15-17. DOI: 10.22271/27078345.2021.v3.i1a.42