Floating elbow, an uncommon clinical entity: A case report
Author(s): Nafiu Olatunde Aigoro and Ufuoma Ogigirigi
Abstract: Floating elbow is an uncommon complex injury pattern with varied functional outcomes. The term is used to describe combined fractures of humerus and forearm bones in the same extremity. It could occur in children and adults. We describe a 49 years old right – handed male farmer who fell off a moving motorbike into a ditch, sustaining a closed injury to the right upper extremity. Radiographs showed right humeral shaft fracture, comminuted fracture of radial head, fracture of proximal 3rd of Ulna and dislocation of the 5th Metacarpo-phalangeal joint. He had plate and screw fixation of both humerus and ulna fractures, K wire fixation of 5th MP joint and excision of radial head. All fractures united but he has residual stiffness of the fingers and limited forearm rotation 6 months postoperatively. No Neurological sequel.
Nafiu Olatunde Aigoro, Ufuoma Ogigirigi. Floating elbow, an uncommon clinical entity: A case report. Int J Case Rep Orthop 2021;3(2):45-48. DOI: 10.22271/27078345.2021.v3.i2a.67