Tuberculosis osteomyelitis in foot and ankle bones: A case report
Author(s): Francisco de Assis Serra Baima Filho and Joel Pires Ribeiro
Abstract: Osteomyelitis due to tuberculosis in foot and ankle bones is an uncommon pathology (less than 1%) and in most patients the symptoms are non-specific, requiring a high index of suspicion for the diagnosis. It is most common in children or in people between thirty and forty years old. Bone biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis. The recommended treatment is medication with surgery indicated in the sequelae. Late diagnosis and inadequate treatment can lead to significant morbidity and deformities. This research aims to report the case of a 31-year-old patient with bone tuberculosis, reporting diagnosis, treatment and evolution, in addition to presenting a literature review.
Francisco de Assis Serra Baima Filho, Joel Pires Ribeiro. Tuberculosis osteomyelitis in foot and ankle bones: A case report. Int J Case Rep Orthop 2020;2(2):68-71. DOI: 10.22271/27078345.2020.v2.i2b.30