Title and Authors Name |
Hip dislocation with ipsilateral femoral shaft fracture (closed treatment of both injuries in a single setting): Case report and literature review Dr. Anand Kumar Gupta, Dr. Amit Narang, Dr. Prem Kumar and Dr. Anil Kuldeep Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 74-76 |
A case of congenital pseudoarthrosis of forearm Dr. Rohan Parwani Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 77-80 |
Case report on 10 year child with Rosai Dorfman disease Dr. Piyush Mittal, Dr. Harsh Vyas, Dr. Karan Chauhan and Dr. Deep Shah Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 81-84 |
Fracture of the capitellum with an associated fracture of the lateral humeral condyle: A case report Tim Truyers, Remco Meijer and Ralf Walbeehm Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 85-87 |
A simple technique of removal of a stripped and incarcerated cannulated screw adjacent to the calcar in the femoral neck in a resource-limited setting: A case report Andrew Isaac Christudoss Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 88-91 |
Case report: Open reduction and extension block pinning with volar plate reconstruction for 1 month PIP joint dislocation Dr. Mrudev V Gandhi, Dr. Vimal P Gandhi, Dr. Pulkit Modi, Dr. Pragnesh Patel and Dr. Ruchir Parmar Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 92-95 |
Scapula fracture with intrathoracic displacement of fracture following a mechanical fall: Discussion and outcome of an unusual presentation Helena Franco, Henry Burnand and James Brown Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 96-99 |
Bilateral proximal humerus fractures managed by two different surgical fixations: A case report Waleed A Mohsenh, Hashim S Alqarni, Ali I Alhefzi and Ohood H Mohsenh Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 100-102 |
Rare and often underestimated: A literature review and case report of isolated, proximal semimembranosus injury Bailey MacInnis and Robert Bane MD Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 103-106 |
Open inferior Glenohumeral fracture dislocation with interposition of the Subscapularis and greater tuberosity Andrew Davies, Timothy Packer and Peter Reilly Int. J. Case Rep. Orthop., 2021; 3(2): 107-109 |