Abstract: Delaminated rotator cuff tear is defined as a tear occurring between rotator cuff layers. Its prevalence is controversial due to substantial variations in its definition. Diagnosing delamination on preoperative imaging can be challenging as conventional MRI has poor yield in identifying them. A 69-year-old man sustained a rotator cuff tear following a fall on outstretch arm. Diagnostic arthroscopy revealed a delaminated full thickness tear (Type 1b) of the supraspinatus which was inconsistent with the preoperative MRI finding. En masse repair of the tear via the double row suture technique was then performed. The patient was pain free and was independent with activities of daily living at 6-month follow-up. Delamination in rotator cuff tear is a negative prognostic factor for post repair outcomes and can be missed if not specifically sought for. This report aims to share our experience on how to improve diagnosis rates for these tears.
Shawn JS Seah, Cheryl Gatot, Denny Tijauw Tjoen Lie. Delaminated rotator cuff tears can be easily missed! - A case report. Int J Case Rep Orthop 2023;5(2):56-59. DOI: 10.22271/27078345.2023.v5.i2b.176